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Inspiration from the Most Creative People in Banking

How far can our bank take you? Just use your imagination.  Our blog is where we share our insights, ideas, and advice on how real life integrates with financial life. Your dreams can’t fit in a bank vault. Think boldly and read a few articles below for some extra inspiration.

Saving For Major Life Goals In The New Year

Saving For Major Life Goals In The New Year

As we welcome the arrival of a new year, the tradition of ‘New Year Resolutions’ encourages us to self-reflect and find self-improvements. These are essentially big life goals that often require some serious planning and saving up. The thought of needing to plan so...

Pasture, Rangeland, & Forage (PRF) Rainfall Index

Pasture, Rangeland, & Forage (PRF) Rainfall Index

About Rainfall Index Policies Rainfall Index (RI) policies include Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF), Annual Forage (AF), and Apiculture (API). RI plans are group policies, meaning individual losses are NOT covered. The index associated with your crop and grid...

Meet Your Local Team of Financial Experts

Meet Your Local Team of Financial Experts

At American Bank & Trust, you’re more than a number. Our team of financial experts offer a high quality of service and flexibility to meet the everchanging needs you may have in this fast-paced financial world. Our employees look to form deeper relationships with...

Understanding Fraud & Scams

Understanding Fraud & Scams

As a consumer, it’s important to understand how fraud and scams are defined because there may be differences in the consumer protections offered by your bank or credit union. A basic way to differentiate fraud and scams is unauthorized vs. authorized transactions....

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